Hola Murcia!

1. I just moved to Murcia, Spain to work as an  Auxiliar de Conversación or Language and Culture Assistant, non-Spanish nationals of US, English, French, etc… nationality, who go to a region of Spain to teach his or her native language at a primary, secondary, or official language school for eight months as part of a program run by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

2-3. The second two photos are of the city of Cieza, the city where my school is located. Cieza’s economy is based mainly on thecultivation of peaches and olives, and is a dig site where many ancient ceramics and other artifacts have been found.

4. The last picture is of Campoamor. I visited the beach with my roommate because his family has a vacation house there. He went there to walk his dogs and I hung out at the beach.

Here is a google maps link to a close up view of my apartment building, located in Plaza Juan XXIII:

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